It's been a while since my last blog, but I have some exciting news. I am having another gallery showing beginning July 7th. It will be in Laguna beach at the 7 degrees gallery. Please join me if you are able.
Friday, July 17, 2009
I have been doing some studies to show lighting, atmosphere and mood. This has been both challenging and gratifying. Here are some of those pieces.
Creating musical pieces has always been enjoyable to do. This one is called 'The Nala Trio"
So what is Nala? (my name backwards)
"Healthy Treats" is a piece I am working on,
combining sketches and painted images.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"Brunch at Grandmas" this piece is over 4' in length. My grandma Rae really knew how to prepare a Sunday brunch. The smell of coffee, all the pastries and fruit couldn't keep my hands away from it. My grandmother was from England and tea parties were a tradition. I also had my first taste of coffee over vanilla ice cream with coconut.... yum!
"Harmony" For the past several years I have been creating these dimensional pieces. They are like puzzles coming together. Each has its own theme and color palette. They range in size form 1.5" ft. to 5' in size.
These are dimensional pieces painted in acrylic with wood and paper lifts behind the shapes.
This is a preliminary painting for a dimensional piece. It is titled "Entangled".
We have a new member in our household. A mixed Shepperd whom we call Chancey. This puppy is so full of energy and can eat a bag of puppy chow in one week. Not a very good saving plan. The kids love her to pieces, unfortunately our Pomeranian does not feel the love.
My recent personal paintings are taking on a new form. I have always loved using color in interesting ways with strong shapes and forms. Taking my figure sketches and adding strong color is very freeing. I have never been one for over rendering. All three of these pieces were painted in photoshop.
For the past year I have been taking life drawing classes and doing a lot of sketchbook drawings. This has really helped my design work. Here are some of those drawings.
It has certainly taken me some time to create a blog. I have read many friends blogs and can see how cool they are. So here I am beginning something new. And now on with the show!